Fresh Apple Gelato with Fermented Green Tomatoes

  • 230g Whole Milk

  • 215g Heavy Cream

  • 100g Dextrose

  • 60g Sucrose

  • 15g Skimmed Milk Powder

  • 4.0g Salt

  • 4.0g Sodium Citrate

  • 4.0g Gelatin

  • 2.0g LBG

  • 2.0g XG

  • 300g Sour Apple Juice (primarily Granny Smith apples, some Honey Crisp apples)

  • 8.0g Apple Brandy

  • 50g* Fermented Green Tomatoes (fermented with 4% salt, 5.26% mass of other ingredients)

Target Fat Content: 7.8-8.0%

Target Sweetness: 18.5-19.5%

Estimated AFP: 345-355

This post is primarily to document and experimental flavor, that could use further development. For the procedure of this recipe, one can simply follow along with the original video. Essentially the same procedure is also used for the Orange Gelato recipe in my cookbook, Gelato Obsession.