Bulletproof Cacio e Pepe (Baker’s percentage)

  • 100% Pecorino

  • 15% Parmigiano/Grana (finely grated)

  • 10% Butter

  • 60% Water/Ice

  • 1.5% Sodium Citrate

  • (optional) 1.5% Black Peppercorns

  1. Start by measuring all of the ingredients and leaving them separate. This recipe was developed with a food processor, but a high-powered blender could work. If using a blender, switch to almost entirely cold water and very little ice for that measurement.

    1. If including peppercorns in this preparation, toast them in a frying pan on a relatively low heat. Keep them moving in the pan, removing once fragrant and beginning to slightly sizzle. Increase the temperature a little if this does not happen within roughly 3 minutes minutes.

    2. Allow the peppercorns a few minutes to cool down in a separate vessel. Break down the peppercorns using whatever tools you have available. A mixture of moderate to very coarse particles is recommended.

    3. The advantage of including the pepper directly in the mixture is obviously making it more convenient for Cacio e Pepe. The disadvantage is that it makes the cheese paste slightly less versatile. Preparing the black pepper fresh/separately for each instance of pasta will also have a slightly improved flavor.

  2. In the bowl of your food processor, place the water/ice and approximately half of the pecorino cheese. Pulse three or four times until the pecorino breaks into smaller pieces, then run the machine continuously for roughly 30 seconds.

  3. Next add the pieces of butter and hard cheese (parmigiano/grana), and pulse again three or four times. Run the machine continuously for roughly 30 seconds, before checking to see if the butter has visibly disappeared. If it hasn’t, run for another 10 seconds and check again. Continue as necessary before proceeding.

  4. Lastly, add the remaining pecorino and the sodium citrate. Pulse three or four times until the pecorino breaks into smaller pieces, then run the machine continuously for roughly 30 seconds. Scrape down the sides and top of the food processor with a spatula, before running at least another 15 seconds.

  5. Check the consistency, you are looking for something borderline to entirely smooth, like a fine textured ricotta cheese. If there are any larger solid chunks, continue to process in 15 second increments until the desired texture is reached.

  6. If using, add the prepared black pepper and incorporate with a spatula. Either way, transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate for several days, or freeze for a few months.

Preparing Pasta (separate Baker’s percentage)

  • 100% Pasta

  • 65-75% Cacio Paste

  • 1.0-1.6%* Black Peppercorns (if pepper is not already in the paste)

  • Water and salt as needed

  • Additional pecorino, pepper for garnish