Snack Cake Gelato

The recipe is slightly different depending on whether the snack cake you are using is vanilla (or similar) versus primarily chocolatey.

Gelato Steps

  1. Measure the dry ingredients: dextrose (130g for Vanilla, 120g for Chocolate), lightly toasted sugar or brown sugar (measurement based on the recipe calculator), salt and xanthan gum; before combining and setting aside. It’s recommended to use a precision scale for the salt and XG. Also measure the snack cakes and set aside separately.

  2. Measure the milk (also measure the cream for the vanilla version) before placing into a stainless steel or otherwise heatproof bowl. Place this liquid on top of a pot of simmering water, to create a double boiler.

    • Technically this could be done directly in a pot, if your stovetop gives you a lot of control. The double boiler is just added insurance.

  3. Stir the dairy mixture over the double boiler occasionally, for at least five minutes. If you have a thermometer, check the temperature. For this recipe the temperature can really be anywhere between 50-60°C (122-140°F). 

    • Without a thermometer, place a metal utensil into the dairy mixture for a few seconds, before removing it and very carefully touching it. The utensil should feel borderline uncomfortably warm, if not hotter.

  4. Once the temperature seems correct, add the dry ingredients somewhat gradually, while also stirring.

  5. Next add the snack cakes, breaking them by hand as you add them, or with a utensil in the bowl. (For the chocolate version, this is where you would measure and add to the 85% dark chocolate, ideally broken into small pieces.)

  6. Carefully remove the bowl from the double boiler. Blend the entire mixture very thoroughly, ideally with an immersion blender.

  7. Once smooth, detach the head of the immersion blender and leave it inside the bowl. In a separate larger bowl/pot, prepare a bath of ice and water.

  8. Place the bowl of gelato mixture into the ice bath, stirring every few minutes. If you have a thermometer, the temperature should be 25°C (77°F) or lower. 

    • Without a thermometer, directly taste some time should feel roughly room temperature or below.

  9. Reattach the immersion blender and blend one more time. After which, remove the blender and place plastic wrap directly against the gelato base. Place this in the refrigerator for 8-24 hours.

  10. After resting, give it one more blend before placing the gelato base directly into the freezer. Leave it in the freezer for 45-60 minutes, or until a thermometer reads 1°C (34°F) or slightly lower.

    • This is a key step included in all of the recipes in Gelato Obsession. Getting the temperature so cold before actually churning, makes the time in the machine much shorter. Less time churning, decreases the amount of air Incorporated, critical to the denser texture that gelato is known for.

  11. Churn the gelato according to the basic instructions of your machine, until it achieves a softserve consistency. Quickly chop up or break apart additional snack cakes, before briefly folding in by hand. 

  12. Immediately transfer into an airtight container and place it in the freezer for a minimum of a few hours, ideally closer to 12 hours.

  13. This gelato should be ready to serve directly out of the freezer.